Knitting abbreviations provide a helpful short hand for knitting stitches and pattern instructions. Although they can look confusing to beginners at first glance they make knitting patterns easier to follow because long words and phrases don't have to repeated in full. When you become familiar with them, they provide a quick and easy way to understand the pattern.
This article contains a list of standardized abbreviations and explains some other pattern writing conventions. For special instructions or more unusual stitches, refer to the start of the knitting pattern where any further abbreviations are usually described.
Description |
Abbreviation |
Alternate |
alt |
Approximately |
approx |
Beginning |
beg |
Between |
bet |
Cast Off |
cast off |
Contrasting Color |
CC |
Cast On |
CO |
Continue |
cont |
Decrease |
dec |
Double-pointed Needles |
dpn(s) |
Follow |
foll |
Increase |
inc |
Knit |
k |
Knit Stitch in Row Below |
k1B |
Knit 1 Into Front and Back of a Stitch; Single Increase |
kfb |
Knit 2 Stitches Together; Single Right-leaning Decrease |
k2tog |
Knitwise |
kwise |
Left Hand |
LH |
Loop |
lp |
Marker |
m |
Make One Stitch |
M1 |
Make one stitch knitwise; single knit increase |
M1k |
Make one purlwise; single purl increase |
M1p |
Make one right; single right-leaning knit increase |
M1R |
Make one left; single left-leaning knit increase |
M1L |
Make one right purlwise; single right-leaning purl increase |
M1rp |
Make one left purlwise; single left-leaning purl increase |
M1lp |
Main Color |
MC |
Purl |
p |
Pattern |
patt |
Purl 1 Into Front and Back of a Stitch; Single Purl Increase |
pfb |
Place Marker |
pm |
Purl 2 Stitches Together; Single Decrease |
p2tog |
Previous |
prev |
Pass Slipped Stitch Over |
psso |
Pass 2 Slipped Stitches Over |
p2sso |
Purlwise |
pwise |
Remaining |
rem |
Repeat |
rep |
Reverse Stockinette Stitch |
rev St st |
Right Hand |
RH |
Round |
rnd |
Right Side |
RS |
Slip 1 knitwise, knit 1, pass slip stitch over knit stitch; single left-leaning decrease |
Slip 1 knitwise, knit 2 together, pass slip stitch over knit 2 together; double left-leaning decrease |
SK2P |
Slip |
sl |
Slip 1 Knitwise |
sl1k |
Slip 1 Purlwise |
sl1p |
Slip Stitch |
sl st |
Slip Marker |
sm |
Slip 2 stitches knitwise, knit these 2 stitches together through back loops; single left-leaning decrease |
ssk |
Slip 2 stitches knitwise, return these 2 stitches to left needle and purl them together through back loops; single left-leaning decrease |
ssp |
Slip 3 stitches knitwise, knit these 3 stitches together through back loops; double left-leaning decrease |
sssk |
Slip 3 stitches knitwise, return these 3 stitches to left needle and purl these 3 stitches together through back loops; double left-leaning decrease |
sssp |
Slip 2 stitches as if to knit 2 together, knit 1, pass 2 slipped stitches over knit stitch; centered double decrease |
S2KP2 |
Slip 2 stitches knitwise, return these 2 stitches to left needle and then slip them as if to p2tog through back loops, purl 1, pass 2 slipped stitches over purl stitch; centered double decrease |
Stitch |
st |
Stocking Stitch |
St st |
Through Back Loop |
tbl |
Through Front Loop |
tfl |
Together |
tog |
Wrong Side |
WS |
Wrap and Turn |
w&t |
With Yarn in Back |
wyib |
With Yarn in Front |
wyif |
Yarn Back |
yb |
Yarn Forward |
yfwd |
Yarn Over |
yo |
Yarn Over Needle |
yon |
Yarn Round Needle |
yrn |
Tension, also known as 'gauge' describes how many stitches and rows are achieved in 10cm/4in. Example: 20 st and 15 rows to 10cm measured over pattern using 4mm needles
Other Knitting Pattern Marks
Description |
Mark |
Repeat the instructions following the single asterisk as directed |
* |
Repeat instructions between asterisks as many times as directed or repeat at specified locations |
* * |
Work instructions within parentheses as many times as directed or work a group of stitches all in the same stitch or space |
( ) |
Square brackets indicate pattern sizes or options |
[ ] |
Measurement Abbreviations
Measurement |
Abbreviation |
millimeter |
mm |
centimeter |
cm |
meter |
m |
inch |
” |
gram |
g |
ounce |
oz |
yard |
yd |