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Intermediate Embroidery Pattern

Alexandra Stratkotter, Poinsettia

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About this product

Designed exclusively by Alexandra Stratkotter, this pattern will look great set in a tiny hoop for a Christmas tree decoration or stitched on cushion covers, tote bags and clothing. Use a range of DMC Tapestry Wool and Light Effects to stitch this striking design. Our clear patterns and quality supplies make it easy for you to complete your project. Colorfast and fade resistant DMC floss keep stitches looking vibrant for generations to come.

Alexandra Stratkotter is a self-taught stitcher who picked up her first hoop as an act of self-care when her son was little. She quickly fell in love with the textures and colors of embroidery. Especially how easy embroidery was to pick up and put down (with tiny-hands constantly grabbing at things). Her designs are largely drawn from nature and her surroundings.

Ref: PAT1447S

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